Are you ready for the 2020 Primary Election on June 23rd?
1. CHECK YOUR REGISTRATION! Is your address right? Is your name correct? Do you need to register? This needs to be completed by 4:00 PM EDT May 26th.
go to www.GoVoteKY.com to register or update your registration
you can also print a registration card here https://www.jeffersoncountyclerk.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/registrationcard.pdf
or you can call the Jefferson County Clerk to get a registration card at 502-574-6100
by May 22, 2020 you’ll get a postcard to request your ballot or be able to request one at www.GoVoteKY.com
your ballot will arrive with prepaid postage to return it
you must request a ballot by June 15, 2020 for it to be mailed to you and after June 16 you must call the County Clerk to pick up a ballot
fill out your ballot, postmarked, and drop it in the mail NO LATER than June 23, 2020
dropoff locations will be announced soon
Although you can request an application for an absentee ballot prior to the Board of Election portal opening at the Jefferson County Clerk’s office, this process is more complicated with an extra step of the clerk sending you a paper application that must filled out completely (and it can be a little confusing) and returned by mail with a stamp to receive your ballot. You skip a step if you wait until the online portal and new systems are up and running around May 22, 2020.
In-Person Voting — Early and on Election Day
There will be very limited in person voting for the 2020 Primary Election. You will NOT be able to go to your usual polling place on Election Day to vote. These locations should be announced soon by the Jefferson County Clerk.
You can vote in-person early by making an appointment with the clerk’s office.You can call for an appointment at 502.574.6100. In-person early voting will be between June 8 and June 22.
There will also be very limited locations to vote on election day. If you possibly can, vote by mail or early. It is anticipated that there will only be a few places to vote in the city and lines could be long. We will update this page with information about this process once the clerk’s office releases more information.